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Haynes Reparationshandbok, Dodge Full-size Pick-ups, Universal

Haynes Reparationshandbok, Dodge Full-size Pick-ups, Universal Haynes
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Pris399 kr
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Pris79 kr
30043, 9781620920077


Generell produktinformation

Dodge Full-size Pick-ups for 2009 thru 2012

Covering V6 and V8 gasoline engines and Cummins turbo-diesel engine, 2WD & 4WD (Does not include information specific to 2009 fleet models equipped with the 5.9L diesel engine)

PLEASE NOTE that these manuals are written in the USA and apply to petrol engine cars (except where diesel is specifically mentioned) built to US specifications. (So, the Ford titles deal with Ford of America products, not Ford of Europe, and so on.) Although they are useful when the products or systems are similar to those in other markets, there may still be significant differences, especially in areas concerned with safety and emission control. Please also note that these manuals have a soft (paperback) cover

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